Day 3 – Three days, three quotes challenge

It’s the last quote and the third day of the challenge. Thanks to Ana at Mom Life with Chiari Blog for this wonderful opportunity.

The rules are:

♣…Thank the person who nominated you.

♣…Post a quote for 3 days and explain why it appeals to you.

♣…Nominate bloggers each day!


My third quote:


Photo by Adarsh Ik on Unsplash

I love this quote because it is a reminder to me that even when my days aren’t going well and my patience has run dry, it is never alright to be unkind and hurt others.  Kindness not only warms the heart and gives hope, it is a necessity to survival.  No act of kindness is ever trivial.  You have the power to make someone smile even for just one brief moment.  Not only do we need to be kind to one another, we also need to learn to be kind to ourselves.  Stop underestimating yourself.  Stop picking on every flaw that you have.  Be kind.


My nominations:

♣  Becoming Proactive

♣  Yari Garcia Writes

♣  In a Messy World


Thank you all for dropping by and checking out the quotes.  Have a wonderful day and stay well.


*Featured image by Adarsh Ik on Unsplash

4 thoughts on “Day 3 – Three days, three quotes challenge

  1. Be kind. So simple, a smile, a kind gesture – like opening the door for someone, can lead to you to changing someone’s day. Even if you don’t receive that good morning, smile or hello in return. Do things not expecting a thing in return. Because you never know what some one is going through. 🧡😊

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