During this uncertain time…

I hope this greeting finds you healthy and well.  How I have missed writing and corresponding with all of you.  As the world is taking it a little slower with lock downs and social distancing, I just want to drop a quick hi.  Please know that I am thinking of all of you, sending you positive thoughts and wishing you only the very best during this very turbulent time.

As I find my heart shrouded in fears for our health and future, I also find enormous strength in the kindness of friends and strangers, the valiance of our health care workers who are armed with minimal protection and most of all, the day to day workers who are still making it to work so the rest of us can still get our necessities.  I am incredibly grateful for the sacrifices of so many.

The future may seem dire at this moment.  It is almost inevitable that many of us will become part of the statistics that’s ever growing. If we do, I hope we’ll also receive all the help we need and fully heal.  Some of us may lose or already have lost our jobs too.  How I fervently pray that this phase of our lives is shorter than feared…that we may find new jobs soon.  May hope and forbearance be our stalwart companions.  Together, we can all get through this.

A quick little update regarding my long absence.  I took on a venture which, I hope would help contribute to the financial side of things.  Having young kids, every little bit helps.  It took much time and effort but I found many kind, helpful souls who lent me their expertise, time and friendships, like I did in this blogging world.  I have indeed been very fortunate to have learnt so much from everyone.  I am now blissfully assured that this world is indeed full of genuinely caring individuals.

How I miss writing and most of all, I miss connecting with all of you.  I miss reading your blogs too, as time became incredibly scant on my end. I hope to dive into them as soon as I can and drop a line or two.

Take precious care of yourselves, my dear friends, and remember that you remain fondly in my thoughts and heart.


*Image by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

2 thoughts on “During this uncertain time…

  1. What a lovely post, L’il. I too am filled with gratefulness for all those who are working so hard to make sure the rest of us are cared for and safe. It’s a strange and scary time. And thanks for the update! I’m glad to hear that you are finding kindness as you pursue your dreams. Stay safe and healthy, my friend. ❤

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    • Thank you so much dear for reading and for commenting. What a scary time for the whole world, indeed. I hope some kind of vaccine and viable treatment becomes available soon. Stay healthy and safe, my dear friend. ❤️

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